Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Latest Trip Updates

Another Fantastic weekend, and a dreadful weekday after that.

And so the cycle continues.

Friday I took an off, to relax at home. But that was the last thing that could have happened that day.
A friend hired a Sat Nav for me, giving his name and my address, since he was paying with his card. Now my address was given incorrectly to me by the relocation team. They gave it to me as 61 instead of 64. So I had to contact the residents of 61 to hand over the satnav to me if it comes there. But there was no one at 61, and hence I had to stick post-its everywhere so that the postman could see it. The Satnav company had told me that it would arrive by 1 pm on 17th. So I woke up at 9 am and stuck post-its everywhere. Unfortunately the postman had come at 8.30 and seen that no one was at 61, and handed over the parcel to the local Royal Mail office. I wasnt aware of this and waiting till well past 1 pm. In a panicky state since there was so much money at stake, and a friend's card the satnav company could penalise, I tried calling the satnav company. But no one picked it up. Finally got the information that it was at the local office. I went there, gave them the Royal Mail delivery card that the post-man dropped in 61's mail box (I had it opened by the housekeeping people, and I hope residents of 61 dont read this blog). But, the RM people needed my friend's identity proof, or a letter addressed to him at 61.

For one thing, he wasnt in 61, and that wasnt the right address anyway. So I had to settle for the identity proof which I couldnt get the same day. So got the car the next morning, went to friend's place to get the passport xerox and then came back to get the satnav and proceeded for the weekend trip. I was already tired!

But the trips proved to be super-cool. I got a Vauxhall Corsa, and the weather was perfect for a drive.

We went to Stonhenge first, then Salisbury - on Saturday. On Sunday, we headed to Windsor Castle, and then to Eton. Took a boating trip at Eton and then headed back home. Monday was shopping day at Stevenage, and did some heavy shopping.

All exhausted, came in on Tuesday to find frantic mails from almost everyone. So many critical issues all at once, for teams in India, for teams here! And everyone seemed to be targeting my head! It was a whirlwind day, which ended in a good note, and all is well that ends well!

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