Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Going Live

Our project is going live this week. And the processes have started.
Strangely though, I am not feeling any extra enthusiasm though I have been involved sufficient enough to feel proud and happy and all that.

But looking at all others around me buzzing, it is rubbing off on me. Some sort of eagerness as well as anxiety.

Wife is going back to India this weekend. I have another month atleast to kill here.
But I've already had enough of staying here I guess. It is getting beyond boring here. I dont know what it is about this country: it is lovely, it is nice, people are friendly, but at the end of the day, the place where I grew up has grown on me so much, that it is not even possible to think about settling anywhere else.

At work, responsibility is growing, but not the workload. I am beginning to see what it is to be managing a few people. Right now, just leading people as a technical expert - no intentions to insult the word "expert" but it is just the name of the role I am playing. I've got a well-knit bunch of people in my track, and hence am beginning to enjoy the role. I am missing the uncomplicated days though, of someone handing over a module to me and I would just sit and concentrate on that alone.

Meetings after meetings now to check where we are in the going-live process. Another one in 3 minutes. Its fun to see people around me getting nervous. And its a bit discomforting that I am being so indifferent, but what the heck.

Time's up. Will be back soon.

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