Thursday, September 06, 2007

Vicky Becky, I dont like the booky

I didnt know till the previous morning, that Goffs Oak, which I pass daily on the way to and from office, is where Victoria Beckham grew up. Her parents still live there, as per the cabbie who told me this fact. An interesting fact noted down.

The second fact is that, I dont like the book 'Three Dog Night'.
The start didnt impress me, and I continued to check if it was just the start that went wrong. But the rest of the book seems to be worse, in my own opinion.
The author has good imagination and does infact put in some nice lines. But the overdone description of the surroundings, and the stubborn continuous usage of complicated lines and regular fall back on unpronouncable medical terms, seem to be putting me off. I would like a story which gets soon to the point, with appropriate deviations to set the plot up. And lot of conversations. I love it when there are lots of dialogues and exchanges. Not when I have to sit and read constantly on how a tree looks before getting to know what the person under the tree is doing. It looks like a kind of cover up for the fact that there is no major plot.

But, having started a book, it has always been a moral obligation to finish it, and so I will complete this book anyway.

Oops - Just stole a bunch of grapes from a nearby desk. Yumm. Little mercies of life-late-in-office.

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