Tuesday, May 29, 2007

An Observation - What is your blog's name?

When I was in my 10th, I held a mobile phone for the first time. It was my friend's dad's.
This friend had got it to school to show the mobile to us. It was a big Motorola phone, with a bigger antenna.
An outgoing call cost Rs 16, and an incoming call cost Rs 8 or something. We were so afraid of even pressing a key accidentally. It was a marvel, a Star Wars type gadget.

And we know cell phones as of today. And as we see them today.
Right since my college days, which were four years back, everyone was supposed to have a "cell number". People who meet for the first time, would talk, get aquainted, and then exchange "cell numbers". It was taken for granted that everyone had a cell number. It is only getting more taken for granted these days.

Similarly, the first time I ever came across "blog" was in the final year of college. But never bothered to check any, since our internet connection was pathetic that time at college. It was good late at nights, but by that time, people had "different" interests and purposes for the internet. The first time I ever created a blog was in 2004. It was a big thing by that time, and I was just catching up. And now, it is taken for granted that everyone maintains a blog or a domain.

And so people meet, get aquainted, exchange cell numbers and note down blog/domain names!
And after that we go to orkut and check if the person is there :)

So everyone is on the net, we can locate and know about anyone, in some cases even if they dont want to. We know earth as a planet and home, is the net an alternate habitat for existence?

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