Friday, August 10, 2007

Easily Difficult

Warren Buffet says:
'There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.'

How correct is that!

Many times now, I have been noticing that when someone finishes something in 5 or 10 minutes, which usually takes more than 30 mins, nobody is bothered and act as though it is expected.

But at the same time, when someone huffs and puffs to complete something that takes 5 minutes, in 30 minutes and then makes a big deal of it, people actually sit up and notice and cry out how great this person is!

It is universal truth and people like to think everything is difficult; and the more you struggle to do something, the more you are appreciated! Well, most of the times!

I have worked with people who silently do the toughest things and you'll never know it, and I "am" working with people who do housekeeping of instances and go on about it for a week - and get all the attention!

I am somewhere in the middle I guess.

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