Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Long Evening & Three Dogs

Today is going to be probably a dull day.

I have to stay till late tonight to monitor some of the programs that are running during the first week of release. Just to make sure there are no panic situations.

That means, I have to be here till 1 or 2 am tomorrow morning. And that is not a particularly inviting prospect. However, the extra time in the evening means I can finish or atleast get close to finishing the basic retail course I have been nominated for. Last date being Sep 21.

This will be the first day at UK that I will be staying beyond 8 pm at office. And first time I will be out on the roads beyond 11 PM.

In my previous company, I could go to play TT or Snooker, to take a break, and many friends will always be staying late playing WOW or AOE. But here, it is going to be lonely, like it was at India.

I have with me a book named "Three Dog Night" to pass time. Mrs picked it up from Bangalore airport coz the name looked interesting. Its written by an Australian author. Google for it and see if you are interested. I have just read the first 2 pages and seems like its not going to be a great read. This book is not my type.

Watched "Zoolander" last night. What a crappy movie! Challenged myself to sit through it. No movies in my laptop to watch today. Ah! Such a dearth of resources to pass time.

Well, a long evening awaits and I better think of better ways to pass time, soon.

1 comment:

Santosh said...

Whats this with Bangalore airport and DOG titled books ??

I had picked this strange titled book "Curious incident of a DOG in the night time" ; But i was pretty pleased with it. I finished it before i reached bombay :-)

Have you read this? Am sure you would be amazed at this strange book !